Easy ways to reduce single-use plastics in the Philippines

Easy ways to reduce single-use plastics in the Philippines

Some of us are counting down to the day when the Enhanced Community Quarantine will be lifted. When it does, make sure you cultivate better habits. You can start by being more mindful of your trash. 


Plastic Free Shopping 

If you're a planner like us, shopping plastic-free will be a breeze. Here are some tips on how to do that. This applies to a lot of different places you can shop at, not just at The Good Trade! 🌿


Dining out Plastic Free
Sometimes it’s difficult to avoid plastic altogether but here are a few ideas on how to reduce the use of single-use plastic:

Pro tip: Some cafes give a discount!



Plastic Free at Work
Months of working from home taught us the value of having a separate space for work. Let's help maintain a clean and plastic-free office space. Get your co-workers on board too! 


